*reprint from Mod Magazine, 2011

That night when they had dinner with the engaged couple was the loneliest night for Noelle. She cried herself to sleep. She was certain David had another girl. Why else would he not take her call? She thought of writing him to be man about it and tell her straight if he wants out. But later decided against it, it was too much effort to get up and write an email. It can wait in the morning.
The next day, her phone was ringing. She almost jumped when she saw David’s name flashing on the screen of her phone. As she was about to pick it up, she thought, what if he wants to break up with me?
She prayed, Oh God, please prepare my heart to accept whatever news he has for me. Give me strength, Lord. She was preparing herself for the worst. She thought of opening her Bible to Psalm 23 to give her courage. That always works for her. But, she decided against it when she saw herself from the other side of the room and realized how comical this is looking.
Just then, Kara groggily shouts from her bed, ”for heaven’s sake, Noelle, answer the phone or I’ll throw it out of the window! So Noelle picked up her phone.
“Good morning, honey! Did I wake you up?” Just the sound of David’s voice was soothing her already.
And he called me honey. She almost melted.
But she had to put up a strong front, “not really.”
“Sorry I missed your call last night. I had a long day yesterday and I felt like, I was coming down with a flu so I slept early to get some rest.” Poor David, she thought.
Noelle felt the thorn pricking her heart was suddenly lifted off. She was thanking God under her breath. And to think she thought he was being unfaithful to her.
“Sorry to hear that, honey. I hope you feel better now. Take lots of water and fruit juices.”
“Will do. How was dinner with Mark?” he asks.
“Mark is engaged!” She was so excited she could not help but scream. Kara hushed her.
“Oops, sorry Kara,” turning to her sleeping roommate. “Kara is still in bed, ” she speaks on the phone with a softer voice.
“To Sophie I suppose?” David asks to confirm.
“Yeah, who else. He was so sweet, he proposed inside the plane while they were flying across Indian/Pacific Ocean.”
“They must be very happy.”
“Oh yeah. Too happy actually. I wanted to strangle their necks.”
“They were over the top. They were doing lovey-dovey in front of me. They made me jealous and envious. They made me miss you.” Her voice almost cracked when she said her last sentence.
David was laughing at his girlfriend for being childish. And right that very moment, he misses her all the more. He had a crazy idea. If only he had wings, he would have flown to her. Right now. He wanted to say, come back home, honey. But he realized, it was so cartoonic. Cheesy as it was, he said, ”I miss you too.”
Having said that, he thought to himself, he was officially a member of the Cheesy Club.
Suddenly, they both felt lonely. So lonely, Noelle said, “I wish you were with me right now. I am so lonely here,” without realizing it slipped out of her lips.
And having said that, is now, like her beau, a member of the Cheesy Club.
When David realized it, he said, “welcome to the Cheesy Club!”
David explains and later the two were laughing.
“With the two of us in, makes us automatic members of the Cheesy Couples Club,” Noelle adds. And they laugh some more.
Right there and then, David thought of a plan. Though sketchy, he thinks, it’s a brilliant plan.