Friday, March 31, 2017

How I Write

I grab a pen and a clean sheet of paper
Pen kissing paper, a dot appears.

I move it up and down, round and round, swirling and straight, 
Gee, there’s a letter!

Again and again, my pen dances and twirls,
The paper still, patiently it waits.

And my sleeping mind is wakened, giving birth to a thought
As letters become word, and the words become a sentence, then sentences.
Lines and lines of sentences form paragraphs as thoughts run wild bearing more 

And then, a story is born. 

This City Where I Live

This city where I live
Is full of noise and tweets
Real tweets from birds, I hear them in the morning.

And the buses that honk and engines that gnarl
As the traffic crawls.
There the train makes its presence felt
Cutting through the thick noise of angry bus drivers’ honking
And little cars beeping  in reply.
I wish I can hear more of the birds’ singing,
Such melody to my spirit.
If only the sea of cars and buses would calm down and
Stay put and just drive past quietly

I can finish my tea in peace. 

An Ode to Thee

Can’t see clearly
What now, I ask, what to do?
What can I do without you?

I don’t think I can ever write as well without you,
I don’t think I can ever admire the sky without you,
Or the oceans blue.

Be strong for me
Selfish me wants to do a lot with you,

My lovely eyes.