10/13/2010 Wed
I gave some apples, grapes and bananas to the kuya janitor. I have so much in the fridge, I was afraid it will go to waste if I don't share to others. Mom sends me almost regularly. Boy,was he thankful. I like it when they're so appreciative.
I heard mass today and bought some bread at Don Bosco bakery for my colleagues for my gift #2.But on my way to office, I came across a mother-and-son beggar who asked me for alms.I asked they wanted bread, the mom said yes so I gave her the pan de coco pack. A few steps more and another boy asked for alms again, I asked if he wanted bread. He said yes so I gave him the Spanish bread pack. So there, no more bread for my colleagues. But I didn't feel bad because I know the street people needed it more.
I have this set interview with M for a religious bulletin. We previously agreed to meet after office hours. I planned to have dinner and coffee with him. But when I confirmed in the afternoon, he said he forgot that he had a previous engagement at 7 that night, and asked if 9 was ok. I agreed because I didn’t want to cancel again. This has been canceled 2 or 3 times already. I just wanted to get it done & over with.
I get off at 6at this office so I had 3 long hours to waste before the set interview. I called up friends from Makati hoping I could set dinner with them last minute via Facebook and mobile phone. By the time 4 friends said they either had plans or are stuck with work, I stopped looking.
Next target, my colleagues but none of them was game to go out for dinner. W, the accountant playfully hinted I treat them all for dinner instead, siomai meal which was so cheap anyway.I thought why not, it could be my gift #3 for the day. So I spent the next hour tending my homestead on Frontierville while they labored for real.During dinner, they were so genuinely happy with my generosity. We shared stories and laughter. We had fun ;p
Back to M, he really tested my patience that night.By 8, he texted that he was still waiting for his turn. I said good, I have time to read a book at Powerbooks. He said to move meeting to 930. Coolly, I said not to worry about it and to just text me when he's on his way. By 920, I was at Starbucks already. I didn't want him to get there first. I ordered cookie and White Mocha with Cream, savored it while I listened to affirmations on my phone & reviewed the proposed manual for an apparel client. He arrived past 10. Surprisingly, I was still in good mood despite the long wait.
I have this gift of reading people. Some people I come across are so "readable" for me that one look and I would sense something. I sensed he was distracted. I actually sensed this during our text exchange day 2 days before. Hard to explain but there was no hint in the messages he sent me. I told myself it can't be true. Anyway, he did confirm my suspicion verbally that night. I didn't tell him anything. He seemed to be in a hurry, as if his mind was flying and like me, just wanted the interview done and over with. I felt sad for him. It seems he was struggling inside. I wanted to tell him whatever path he chooses, God still loves him. But who was I to say that to him.
Later, I felt so sure he will still go back to Him and that idea made me feel a lot better ;p
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