I officially joined NaNoWriMo last Oct. 26. For those who don't know, it stands for National November Writing Month. For aspiring writers like me, the challenge is to write a novel with 50,000 words from Nov. 1 to Nov. 30. (That's about 1,667 words per day. But my personal daily target is 2000 words per day.) The idea is to write everyday, more of quantity than quality. If interested, check out their website, www.nanowrimo.org.
Daniel, my friends Ricky & Mitzi's 7-year old kid said, "that's a looooottt of words. It's like a million words," with eyes rolling and a funny face. He can't believe why I would do such thing. He even asked, "can you put pictures?" I said yes but it won't count. So he decided not to join ;p Again he asked, am I putting pictures in my story. I said no. He said, "what's a story without pictures?" ;p
I kept telling myself to write down the plot, outline characters etc. but I didn't find time and I started Nov. 1 with just a title, "Noelle" and a plot in my head. After we got back from the cemetery, I surprised myself by finishing 1 chapter with 1,700++ words by 11pm. To date, I have written close to 5K words. 45K to go ;p
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