*reprint from Mod Magazine, 2011

published on Mod Magazine
After a delicious dinner at Anton and Frances’s apartment and while the host was serving cake and coffee, Noelle suggests they play a game.
“I like playing games.”
Everybody got excited. Noelle gives them each a piece of paper and pen. She explains, “this is called the blessings game. Write down your name on top. When I say “go,” write down as many blessings you have received in your life, big or small. This will be timed for 1 minute,” she checks the timer on her phone.
“Then what?” Jason thinks it’s a lame game.
“I will tell you the rest later.”
“Hey, don’t be a sourpuss. Be a sport and just play along. Do as I say, you are under my roof.” Frances kids Jason.
“Yeah,” her husband supports her. Jason shakes his head and writes his name.
“What blessings?” Kara asks.”Give me an example.”
“Like for me, this scholarship, you my friends, my family, this wonderful dinner tonight.”
“David!” Kara declares to let Jason know they are still together. Jason looks at Noelle and she said yes to Kara silently.
“My handsome hubby,” Frances declares Anton as his blessings.
“Yes,” Noelle nods.
“Make sure you write her name too, Anton or it’s World War 3,” Jason was chuckling.
“I got a new client today,” Martin tells the group.
“Alright, so you guys get the idea. So let’s?” Everybody nods in agreement so they start.”Remember, big or small blessings.”
When the phone beeped, they were feeling good about writing down their blessings. They started counting and comparing what they have listed.
“All right. Next, turn to the other side of your paper. Write your name of top. When I say pass, pass your paper to your right. Once you get your seatmate’s paper, I want you to write down the blessings you think that he or she has received. Including his or her good traits and talents he or she is blessed with. Time here will be shorter. Ready? Pass.”
When they were done and each got their paper with their name on it, Frances told them to compare what they think are their blessings and what their friends think as good about them.
“Hey, what do you know somebody thinks I am sexy,” Anton announces and flexes his flabby arms. Then asks Frances, ”honey, did you write this?” To which his wife said yes. “Then you’re gonna get some sexy loving tonight.”
“Yuck,” Kara was pretending to barf. The group laughs.
“Would you guys want to share what is written on your paper?”Noelle asks her friends. They were game so each got a chance to talk about their blessings. When it was Frances turn, she told them about her promotion.
“Is that what this lovely dinner is for?” Kara asks and gives her friend a congratulatory hug. Anton was nodding.”My wife is now Managing Editor,” he said.
For the first time, Frances was speechless but was just beaming with joy and pride.
“Thank God.”
“Let me shake your hand so I could be next,” Jason takes her hand laughing. The gang was having a great time tonight.
Later, Jason approached Noelle in the corner and asked, “did you make up that game?” She nodded. “It was fun. So, you count waking up in the morning as a blessing?”
“Yes. I believe it is God’s gift to me.” Noelle smiles.
“That is something I take for granted. That is a new and fresh insight for me.” He smiles at her. Oh, what a sweet guy, Noelle thinks to herself.
Suddenly he changes the subject that jolts Noelle, “so, you and David got back together? I am happy for you.” Noelle was nodding and said thank you. She saw his sincerity. He does have a good heart. That made her like him all the more.
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