Saturday, January 19, 2013

13 goals for 2013

new year, new dress, new shoes, new hair, new look but best of all, new goals!
have you written yours? here's mine, you can copy if you like. 

1. blog once a month
                I have to blog once a month, period.

2. write 12 short stories and 1 novel
                I’m thinking I’d write 1 short story a month and the novel I’d write during Nanowrimo, that’s November. I have to write to get better at writing, at churning out stories.

3. visit new york and phuket
                There are other places esp. local ones that i want to go to like the elusive Batanes trip that I’ve been planning with Rhei for n years now, but these 2 are a must.( A must also is to travel with my mom and dad but I haven’t really decided where. Maybe El Nido, Bangkok, Dubai so we can visit my sister there, or  Singapore again.)

                I’m intrigued with Phuket. Is it really as beautiful as many are saying? Can it compare with our beloved Boracay? I have to see for myself in June.

                New York is a longtime dream. Back when I was just finished my CT course in UP and like some classmates who went to Fashion Inst of Tech after, I too, wanted to take the diploma course. But the dream soon died when I learned how expensive it was. So, why not drop FIT and just go to NY? When I worked at VanHeusen, I thought the company would send me for a business trip like the other managers who went to the VH  HQ at NY. Apparently, I was only destined to go to HK, Bangkok and Bangalore. I was regularly at HK and Bangkok for meetings, exhibitions and fashion shows, what more can I ask for. But this year, my dream will soon come true, come 3rd quarter of 2013. Thanks to my good old friend, Jane!

4. go on a pilgrimage to israel and rome
                Just today, I reminded my friend, Violet,  who has a travel agency of her promise to organize a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Vatican City that’s cheaper than what’s in the market. I’m thinking Oct.

5. read the bible
Aside from the benefits of understanding life and how to go about it thru the Bible, as a Catholic, and as one who went to a Catholic school from kinder to high school, it’s a shame that I haven’t read the Bible from cover to cover till now. I have read a lot of books and stories being an avid reader – The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Les Miserables, One Hundred Years of Solitude (more than twice from cover to cover; more than 5x without finishing) and other titles of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, To Kill a Mocking Bird (twice), Catcher in the Rye (about 10x), classics like Noli and El Fili, Jane Eyre’s etc, even the Shopaholic series among many other titles.

            I am glad I joined Bible Timeline, a bible study last year which will end in Feb because it is helping me understand what I am reading in the Bible.

6. read one chapter of proverbs a day every day of the year
                A few years back when I was reading books on finances, I came across this book that said one of the richest man ever alive is King Solomon. So it’s worth getting in his head and understand his frame of mind to get rich ourselves. He advised to read Proverbs in the Bible which was written by King Solomon himself. He said to read one chapter a day. The chapter of the day should correspond to the date of the month; there are 31 chapters in Proverbs. It should be done every day with reflection for 2 years. The goal of the exercise is to imbibe the teachings in one’s heart and mind and the riches will follow; opportunities will open up. I remember doing it in 2010 and a lot of opportunities sprang up unexpectedly, including sales in real estate, consultancy work and my current job.

But stopped in the middle of Jan 2011, which means, I am 1 year short. This year, I will fill in half of the requirement. So, I am expecting an avalanche of wonderful blessings and opportunities to come my way this year. 

            The author said he did the same and became a millionaire. He even coached another guy to do the same and his student also became one.  I’m next.

7. learn spanish
                My friend Ginger and I agreed to enroll in a Spanish class in June. We have to attend together so that we have each other to talk to and practice with later. It’s a long time dream to learn Spanish. When I was a kid taking my summer vacations , I loved reading. Left with no choice but to read about Rizal- his life and works, as the others were Algebra, Calculus and Management books, I later loved it. And he taught me to love my country. Because I loved Rizal so much, as early as then, I wanted to learn Spanish so I could read Noli and El Fili in the original text it was written. So, you bet one of goals in 2014 is to read and understand the 2 novels that rocked the country in 1896. I’m excited!

8. attend financial and writing seminars
I’d like to invest more this year in stocks so I’ve to sharpen my  financial skills and get connected and mingle with people who are in the know. There’s one in Feb that I’m planning to attend. Check out if interested.
I’d like to sharpen my writing skills so I could write more interesting and exciting stories.

9. drive my own car
I took driving lessons last year before my license expired. I realized it’s not easy to drive but I still want to drive. I don’t know how I will get me a brand new red automatic car, all I know is I want one so I am sending this message to the universe and let it work on it.

10. sing in front of an audience
                I know I can sing. As proof, I was a choir member at UP Chapel Choir and at another time at my former office. Even back in my grade school days, I liked singing church songs. I remember singing them with my siblings at night, especially during brownout. Even now, I like singing at church on my seat.

                Back in the late 90’s, before I graduated from college, I was fortunate to have been part of the UP Chapel Choir. That December, our choir and all the other singing groups in UP banded together for a concert called, “Handel’s Messiah.” With about 100 choir members, I sang onstage UP Theater. It was a very memorable moment for me.

                I wish I could join something like it again this year.

11. jog or bike at least once a week

                With my new running shoes, which I got on sale, I should have no excuse not to jog. As for the bike, I have yet to buy one. But for now, I will jog. In fact, today, I went to UP and jogged with Rhei and friends and had Mang Larry’s isaw after.

12. have my own column
                I’m thinking probably an advice column on life, career, relationships maybe, and even fashion in a national broadsheet or magazine. But I have to admit, this is a long shot, moonlighting. But as with my other goals, I am just putting it out  here for God and the universe to work it out. As before, I’m letting  God show me and lead me to get there.

13. attend a feast outside the country or hillsong concert in australia
                I just added this for no particular reason except that it’s something I haven’t done before so it’s probably fun. And the fact that, I'll have 13 goals.

                Feast is a weekly religious gathering where there’s a Catholic mass, and an inspiring talk by Bo Sanchez interspersed with praise and worship. Dubbed as the happiest place on earth where everybody is welcome, the Feast is organized by the Light of Jesus Family, founded by Bo Sanchez. There are different Feasts in and out of the country. Speakers depend on the venue. For details, check out any of the ff. websites:   

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