Thursday, October 23, 2014

Artist Date

I can’t remember the last time I went to a museum, which is embarrassing  considering the fact that I claim to be an art enthusiast. My most memorable trip is when I went to Artscience Museum in Singapore where I saw Van Gogh’s art installations. It was like going in a candy store or a shoe store. I could have stayed there all day if it weren’t for my friends.
Yes, I like paintings most of all. I appreciate looking at the artist’s interplay of colors, first from a distance. Then going up close to see the strokes and to examine how the painter covered the canvas with colors. I try dissecting with my eyes which color was laid first and which came next. I am like a child at wonder, wondering how colors side by side create something and this something becomes a part of a picture.
I’m glad our office had an Artist’s Date today. I particularly liked Paco Rapagos’ works. The highlight was seeing 2 of Fernando Amorsolo’s murals. But it wasn’t what I expected. I like his familiar yellowish paintings with farm landscape. But just the same, I was in awe to see the maestro's masterpieces. The very fact that the murals are lifesize, was in itself amazing. 
Steve Jobs said, real artists ship. I have a half-finished painting at home, which I started a few months back. I keep telling myself to put the final strokes but haven’t till now. After an exposure to a world of colors, I am inspired to get back to my canvas. Maybe tonight. 

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